This section addresses the following questions:
- I immediately yawn after I do the voo sound, and sometimes I feel like I want to yawn before I’m even done doing the sound, and I can’t finish making the sound, because I need to yawn. What does that mean?
- I immediately felt really tired when I started the voos in this exercise today, very different than when I’ve done it in the past. When I tried to orient, I had to really consciously get my eyes to move before I could move my head. Freezy?
- I’m having coughing and unpleasant tickling in my throat as I do this. What should I do?
- Nice sensation of vibrating through my feet with this. I have also felt warmer over all since doing this yesterday. I felt warm throughout the night. Is this a common response?
- After a few voos, my feet tingle. I wondered if it was from lack of oxygen?
- I felt heat in my vagina after doing this. I’ve been experiencing a lot of discomfort there — maybe the heat is energy being released?
- I did this early in the week. And I didn’t necessarily feel different during the exercise, but I feel pretty confident that it brought forth something; not really anger, more of a sense of a stronger life force? It’s really hard to explain and is fairly subtle, but it’s there.
- Curious about the pain in the teeth and sensations of tension in left side, which amplified following it.
The VUUU sound is a powerful way to start to feel our insides more, and to stimulate both the ventral and dorsal branches of the Vagus nerve. Since that Vagus is connected to every organ, as well as muscles of expression in our face, the range of sensations one can experience during and afterwards is vast.
If you notice that you immediately get tired and start yawning, this could mean a couple things. It could mean you are activating the low-tone dorsal rest/digest/repair state and your system is relaxing nicely, in which case you should feel kinda mellow and a sense of well-being. OR, it could mean that this is quite stimulating for your system, and/or your system has a strong tendency to go towards the freeze response, in which case you would probably feel more like you are about to pass out, feel spacey and checked out, and/or kind of ill-at-ease or immobilized.
If you are experiencing something like the former, then great! No need to do anything different. If you are experiencing something more like the latter, then it will be important to play with doing a little less and titrating your experience. Make the volume softer, and/or only make the sound for a little while, and don’t use all your breath, see if you can just do a little bit that doesn’t bring on the big yawn, and then slowly play with increasing.
If this is hard on your throat and it irritates it, or you feel like it’s itching or tickly on the vocal cords, then I suggest trying it softer, and shorter as well.
If you feel vibrating, heat in a specific location, an increased sense of overall warmth, or greater life energy, that’s great. It simply means your system is coming more alive. If you feel more pain or tightness afterwards, this also likely means your system is coming more alive, and you are simply feeling more of what was already there. If this is the case, see what it’s like to play with imagining the vibration of the sound gently moving through those areas of tension.