A little skepticism and confusion around the whole concept and approach of nervous system healing is normal. For most people this is new information! So new, groundbreaking and revolutionary, that it hasn’t yet made it into medical schools and the majority of other trainings. Many medical and health care professionals remain unaware and uneducated in the nervous system regulation approach to health and healing.
Also, the nervous system, though incredibly powerful in governing our bodily functions and impacting our health and well being, is essentially invisible. It’s IN us in the form of electrical impulses and the neurohormonal, neurochemical and muscular actions those impulses direct. However, you can’t point to it on a chart and say ‘See, here’s your trauma, here, and also here.’ So, it can be difficult to understand how important it really is until you get into the education and practice, and experience it for yourself.
Many past participants have been skeptical and not sure it would work, or that it might help a little but not really be a game-changer, as one of our alumni, Amy, talks about in this video at the 1:32 mark.
Bottom line is this – if you feel in your gut that this is something you need, even if your mind is resistant, consider taking the plunge and checking it out! You have 30 days to get your money back if it doesn’t feel like a good fit.