Yes! And No! Let us explain 🙂
Irene has had a LOT of great teachers and mentors over the course of more than 20 years of study. For her full bio and credentials, CLICK HERE.
All of this learning informs this program, so there is education and practice in here that stems from many sources; most notably the work of Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing), Kathy Kain (Somatic Practice), and Moshé Feldenkrais (The Feldenkrais Method).
These three main methodologies form the base of the work presented in SmartBody SmartMind™ and they complement each other. Together they present a holistic approach to healing trauma and restoring regulation.
Irene’s gift is putting all these very complex elements together in a way that is easy to understand, sequenced in the right way, and in an online format that is easy to use. So, while the content of SBSM – the video lectures, articles, live training calls, and Neurosensory Audio lessons that you will receive – are informed by all Irene has learned, they are Irene’s unique creation.