What are some of the most effective ways to deal with invasive suppressed memories of sexual abuse?” To stabilize and get out of the terror. So again, we’re talking about terror and fear. “I started to retrieve such memories and practice such as orienting helps a bit. However, I can’t sleep from fear of being attacked again.” So again, I could have put these two together, I suppose, I’m realizing. “How do I work with terror at the time It flares up, that does not suppress it, but helps digest it instead?” Any specific exercises for the time the experience is at its most intense

What are some of the most effective ways to deal with invasive suppressed memories of sexual abuse?” To stabilize and get out of the terror. So again, we’re talking about terror and fear. “I started to retrieve such memories and practice such as orienting helps a bit. However, I can’t sleep from fear of being attacked again.” So again, I could have put these two together, I suppose, I’m realizing. “How do I work with terror at the time It flares up, that does not suppress it, but helps digest it instead?” Any specific exercises for the time the experience is at its most intense2024-06-11T12:53:30-07:00

Another thing that can happen is someone asked about, they noticed that they were able to stay present. There was this big emotion. They had this experience and this big emotion came through and they were able to stay present and notice the feelings of it. And then later on the heels of that, there was big activation, feeling like, I think they said fuzzy.

Another thing that can happen is someone asked about, they noticed that they were able to stay present. There was this big emotion. They had this experience and this big emotion came through and they were able to stay present and notice the feelings of it. And then later on the heels of that, there was big activation, feeling like, I think they said fuzzy.2024-06-11T12:53:46-07:00
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