This section addresses the following questions:
- Is it normal after doing this exercise to experience shaking and vibration?
- Is there any explanation why this exercise makes me super sleepy and have a sluggish feeling in my body, that stays throughout the day?
- The day after doing this lesson I am experiencing constant aching in my right side where my kidney/adrenals are. Should I be worried?
- I find this lesson confusing. I could feel a muscle spasm and discomfort as I was doing it, and am now more tense and worse off. How is it that even slow movements can aggravate my body!?
- Since doing this lesson, I randomly wake myself up during the night with a sudden sharp, short intake of breath. Am I processing something during my sleep?
Even though we are not tuning directly into the kidney/adrenal interface in this lesson, we are ‘warming up’ that area and exploring movements many of us may not have done before. These kind of movements of the torso, combined with different breath variations, are likely to shift some of the ways we may have been unconsciously holding, and this, combined with the knowing that we are starting to think about the kidney/adrenal area, can be enough to start some energy moving.
As a result, it is not surprising that one may experience a feeling of vibration and/or shaking, which is a sign of old Sympathetic (fight/flight) energy being released. If we got some good movement through areas that have been braced, this can also commonly result in soreness and achiness, which is a sign that old, rigid fascia has been broken up some. In other words, all good.
On the flip side, it’s possible these changes may be a bit too much for our system. So, if we feel very tired, out of it and sluggish, this may well be our freeze response rising up to protect us from the potential energy we have loosened up. This is okay, and should be temporary. Just do a little less next time.
If you felt muscles spasms during the exercise and kept going anyway, it’s no surprise you feel worse. I understand the desire to push through and ‘get ‘er done,’ but this approach doesn’t work well with these exercises. If at any point with any lesson you feel like you are efforting or a muscle is spasming, then STOP. Make yourself comfortable, and let the physiology settle completely before continuing on, or maybe just come back the next day.
If you are noticing new experiences after this that persist — like waking up in the middle of the night with that sharp inhale — know that your system is processing something that was held inside and this is okay! If the experience keeps up longer than a week, then this may mean that you could use some one-on-one assistance to help the charge resolve.