Yes, totally normal and a good thing. It may not feel like a good thing, because of the discomfort, but there is simply no way to heal this stuff if we are numb. As we say – if you can feel it, then you can heal it!
This is also why it is SO important to go slow and really titrate this work. When we do that, our system will generally not offer up more than we have the capacity to deal with. If we’ve been living in freeze, functional or otherwise, as we connect and attune to our system, and the freeze starts to lift, we can have periods of actually feeling MORE stressed than before we started this work, as the underlying Sympathetic energy starts to move. We may feel angry, afraid, and new, uncomfortable sensations.
Being afraid of this is understandable, but there simply is no other way out but through, so we really need to work on accepting this, knowing that it is our life energy returning to us, and that the discomfort wont last forever. We also may need to work more proactively with engaging the Sympathetic system in healthy ways, like with increased exercise, and/or things like the Healthy Aggression work in Lab 6, or the VUUU-AHH from Lab 7. Contrarily, we may also need to use our resources more, and support our Parasympathetic downregulation with some of these practices (bearing in mind that everyone is unique, and that exercises that are soothing for some people may be stimulating for others):
LAB 1 > LESSON 1: Researching Your Resources
LAB 3 > LESSON 2: Basic Joints
LAB 4 > LESSON 2: Dropping In
LAB 4 > LESSON 3: Kidney/Adrenal Awareness
LAB 5 > LESSON 4: Dropping Your Adrenals
LAB 6 > LESSON 2: Layers
LAB 6 > LESSON 3: Containment
LAB 7 > LESSON 1: Tickling the Vagus with VOO (VUU)]
LAB 7 > LESSON 3: Gentle Head “Rolling”
LAB 7 > LESSON 4: Gut-Brain Awareness & Intentions
EXTRA RESOURCES: Watering the Brainstem
On the bright side, being able to feel more uncomfortable things means we also will get to feel more wonderful things, though that may not be apparent right away.